It’s Not Safe

Stan Wiederspan Box painting
Stan Wiederspan “Box” painting

The rarity of greatness

can be explained and found

in the individuals

who live life safe and sound

The mind deserves excitement

not fear and tightness

but he who wants security

might not like this

for excitement needs

chance takers,

risk takers,

and dreamers

but the cautious man

won’t at all be too eager

The perception is this,

it’s crazy to risk,

but think of all the opportunities

that you surely miss

they think of risking as dumb

and those who do, as gall

but the craziest risk

is not risking at all

nothing is safe anymore,

it’s not safe to be careful

Go ahead, chase your dreams

come on, I dare you



Your Damage

Acrylic Painting by Marcus Sandeman
Acrylic Painting by Marcus Sandeman

The damaged soul searches

for clarity and explanations

but doesn’t find anything

The damaged soul searches

for her reasoning

but she gives him nothing

Why won’t she reciprocate

the feelings

after all, he’s persistent

The damaged soul searches

with questions

but she never listens

No need for conflict


or carelessness

Show me the same,

the damaged soul

needs effort

You Should

Colorful abstract art

You should always give love

You should often give yourself

You should never spread hate,

You should always give encouragement

You should often give help

You should never fight positivity,

You should always fight negativity

You should often laugh

You should never dwell on the past,

You should always find joy

You should often show integrity

You should never let others opinions stop you from becoming,

what you should be

Who Are You

You lie to your soul

You mislead your heart

your disgrace has begun

from the very start

Don't disguise the true you,

Hide your real side

The truths been revealed

now let the real rise

Life's meant to be authentic

be yourself,

The struggle of identify

forces you to be someone else

you're unrecognizable, 


wonder what pain you've felt

when did you leave?

to become just like them,

For your witty comments are gone

and your mind, now slim

you disappeared


Delilah Magnolias and Bird
“Magnolias and Bird” by Delilah
 The build up was rapid

 The Journey unhurried

 The feelings came quick

 And our peers came worried

 Why keep it a secret,

 When the spark is so strong,

 They find faults in our joy

 And merit in our wrong


 And comfort,

 Have both came on time

 Change the course of our actions

 Just to please the blind? 

 How can they see the truth

 Lying ahead, 

 They love to see our elation

 But it's happiness they dread




 It's a surprise what we could be

 You flew in from the unknown

 But I sure can't complain

 It's new to both of us,

 But things ain't the same

 Let's leave the majority,

 Escape all the madness

 the jealously is evident,

 No they can't have this

 Don't leave

 Your mystery makes me scream, stay
 Never saw you coming,





Destiny Awaits

Pink Peach Tree in Blossom by Vincent Van Gogh
Pink Peach Tree in Blossom by Vincent Van Gogh

My Destiny

always escaping me,

funny thing is,

i’ve yet to see

My destiny

what lies ahead,

more struggle

or less joy

It can’t be both

or maybe it is

The fate of mine

never stops like time,

but my destiny has to await me

fruitful living

or disastrous days

we’ve yet to see

patiently awaits,

is my Destiny

The Search

Shadow Painting by Joyce Ann Burton-Sousa

He searched,

And he panicked

For a life of his own

For the life that he claimed

Was dull in its tone

Is he living?

or just alive?

These remain to be seen

As he hides behind loneliness

And unlively things

He frequents his lows

And avoids all highs

dodges the how’s

And deletes all why’s

This is all life offers?

He’s searching once again

But the external efforts,

Explain why searching is within



It's tough enough
to grasp the reality
You were the only one who,
could bring the man out of me
Pops why so soon
You had so much to give
but you gave all you could
in the eyes of a kid
A part of me is missing
what is there to do
Forever in my soul
and what's missing is you
I owe you everything
never had to question the love
beyond being beyond
you'd stay above
my emotions swing rapidly
all over the place
just the thought of your pain
brings tears down my face
you fought
you stayed strong
you fought
and stayed long
For twenty great years
you remained a protector
the legacy you left,
proved to be the connector
support beyond belief
is what you gave me,
you were a yes or no man
never a maybe
anything I asked
I knew you would try
you were a man of your word
never lived to get by
I promise you this 
when people hear the Jameson name,
they'll know why
Walter Thomas Jameson
I can't say goodbye