Temporary Assignment

If your papers were due today
what grade would you have earned?
the highest of praise to gain you light
or the lowest to send you in a burn
the words you write, are the actions you display
which get put in a pile for the teachers awaiting grade
how you treated others, the way you spoke
the cancer you were, or the nastiest joke
how many errors would you have?
where the teacher forgave you
corrected..put in ink
cleansed, he bathed you
did you stay on course?
and follow the team
or head to many nations
to spread the dream
did you love yourself
and write about it to brag
did you give your neighbor
the same love that you had
hurry class
follow the rubric
did you create your own paper
or copied...you glued it
did you talk while writing?
or be silenced by fear
for the words that you write
can hinder your year
both life and death
radiate from your pencil
did you cross out your errors
as if the teacher was right with you
many things are uncertain
but we can be sure of this
the teacher is returning
im awaiting the bliss
temporary assignment